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Pacts4All initiative aims to integrate experiences of regional TourX partners

Pacts4All initiative aims to integrate experiences of regional TourX partners

Virtual workshop with the regional knowledge triangles

The previous experiences of the national TourX Knowledge Triangles in the regional implementation of the tasks in the TourX project were the focus of a virtual workshop with the creators of the Pacts4ALL initiative, which emerged from the PANTOUR project and the European nexttourismgeneration alliance (NTG).

Iva Perkovic (Associacion MUNDUS), Antonio Genarelli (EVBB), and Roger Heinzel (DEHOGA Brandenburg) discussed with Rino Vitelli (Federturismo Confindustria) and Klaus Ehrlich (NTG) their experiences to date in building regional partnerships and their work in the national Knowledge Triangles of the TourX project.

The need for an offensive approach to the utilization of project results for use in one’s own environment became clear. The formal processing of project activities and the mere translation of documentation or methodological concepts into one’s own national language are not sufficient for project success. One’s own participation in the project is by no means a label of one’s own professionalism; this only arises through the involvement of other local actors and is a challenging process.

Implementing ideas that arise during project work requires a detailed analysis of the processes under consideration, active partners, and appropriate budgets. The project must constantly address new issues and must not remain confined to its own biotope for the duration of the project.

The challenge is to arouse curiosity and interest among local stakeholders. It always requires adaptive approaches in order to be able to exploit the potential of the project work. Results-oriented, proactive cooperation between individual participants is a constant challenge in day-to-day work.

The principles of collaborative project work were echoed in the discussion, but above all they will continue to determine our own work in the TourX project. The discussion highlighted the potential of the Knowledge Triangle’s work, but it is important to organize its continued success. The Pacts4All initiative will support us in this.

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