The European Vocational Training Association is a leading European network in the field of Vocational Education and Training. It includes members from several European countries, representing thousands of key players in the field of education and training.
EVTA was established in the 1998 following the development of a cooperation programme on international mobility called Euroqualification. Since its creation, EVTA has ensured that needs and expectations of the VET sector are fulfilled.
EVTA members are training providers at the national, regional and local levels; national public employment services; research institutes on labour market and employment policies; companies producing software for training in virtual reality. Beyond its official members, EVTA has a strong network of partners all across Europe and beyond. Thanks to its wide outreach, EVTA’s activities can reach more than 1000 VET providers, 35000 VET employees, 750000 trainers and teachers.
EVTA is active in the following activities:
- REPRESENTATIVENESS, POLICY AND ADVOCACY, referring to all activities related to institutional and political representativeness of the network in events, conference, meetings, working groups and towards EU institutions, policy makers, stakeholders;
- EU PROJECT DEVELOPMENT, referring to the involvement of EVTA in EU funded project as leader or partner, in cooperation with its members and/or partners.
- EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION AND EVENTS, referring to activities undertaken to promote EVTA to attract new members and establish new contacts for cooperation.
As EU Association of VET Providers, EVTA will support the creation and development of the knowledge triangles in the different countries by providing knowledge and expertise with a European perspective. In particular, EVTA will be leading the WP5 – Creation of Sustainable Systemic Impact by coordinating the partnership in the development of the following activities:
- The creation of a systemic impact through policy recommendations that can be used practically (see Task 5.1)
- Optimization of Skills anticipation for the tourism sector at a regional level, increasing prosperity since tourism has a huge potential to generate economic growth and create jobs. (see Task 5.2)
- Strengthening the concept of VET Excellence through the establishment of a monitoring mechanism for the validation of Excellence in VET (see Task 5.3)
- Increase transferability and adaptation of the TourX toolbox through a “Turn Key Solution” for third parties (see Task 5.4)
VET Provider
Rue Victor Oudart 7, 1030 Schaerbeek
700+ Staff Members
14.600+ Active Students
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