On October 10, 2022, more than 160 entrepreneurs of the Brandenburg hospitality industry met at the Dorint Hotel
Potsdam for the festive award of the Host of the Year. This event marks the end of the annual quality certification of
member businesses of DEHOGA Brandenburg.
The TourX project was also presented on this evening by the Brandenburg colleagues.
Together with the partners of the AVT Teltow, the DEHOGA Brandenburg presented the curriculum for new training
courses for the training of entrepreneurs and employees.
The team around Olaf Lücke and Roger Heinzel used the evening for many conversations to present TourX in more
detail and to collect new ideas for the active cooperation of the Brandenburg restaurateurs in the TourX project.

Career Day at the Metropolitan College Athens 2025
It was the next step in the DEHOGA Brandenburg cooperation with the colleagues from the Metropolitan College Athens. As part of the association’s activities to internationalise vocational training in Europe