Real News, one of the most popular newspapers in Greece has devoted a one-page article to present the kick-off meeting of the Tour-X project and the potential for growth that the project will bring to Greece! AKMI, the coordinator of Tour-X had the pleasure to welcome all 23 european partners to the kick-off meeting that took place early in July.
During the kick-off meeting, Mr. Rodopoulos, AKMI’s president welcomed distinguished guests like the Greek Minister of Tourism, Mr. Kikilias, and the Governor of Attica, Mr. Patoulis. As Mr. Kikilias noted, Greece wishes to stay an attractive destination and extend the touristic season to 12 months, strengthening collaborations of all tourism stakeholders is vital to the added value of the sector. The qualitative upgrade of tourism services is bound with the upskilling of tourism professionals to be able to respond to the everchanging needs of visitors. In light of this, the establishment of a regional network such as Tour-X that will bring together regional authorities, business representatives, and VET providers is very important.