EOPPEP is an all-encompassing national body, investing in enhancing the quality and efficiency of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Life Long Learning (LLL) in Greece. Operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs. EOPPEP Governance Board (BoD) comprises representatives of Education and Labor Ministries and Social Partners. EOPPEP is one of the main pillars of the inclusive reform of VET & LLL of the Hellenic Republic. It is represented in the Central Council for VET (KSEEK) and plays an active role in all key policies related to VET & LLL. It is also the national reference/contact point of the European Networks that administer qualification issues and European transparency and mobility tools (EQF, EQAVET, EUROPASS, EUROGUIDANCE, REFERNET, and ELGPN).
EOPPEP contributes to a holistic & integrated policy framework for a competitive economy and a more coherent and inclusive society, by:
- Linking education and training with the needs of the labor market
- Upgrading the professional qualifications of the workforce
- Developing and providing attractive, effective, and qualitative VET and Lifelong Learning (LLL) services
Main Priorities
Link national VET policy with labor market trends and respond to citizens’ needs, in accordance with the EU policy framework for VET and LLL.
Beneficiaries & Target Groups
- VET & LLL providers, awarding bodies, career guidance services & counselors
- IVET graduates, adult trainers, and professionals pursuing upskilling, reskilling, and formal recognition of qualifications
- VET policy makers and sector stakeholders
EOPPEP, as national Certification Authority is certified for the 1st Level of EFQM and has developed the Hellenic Qualifications Framework, as the National Point for ECVET and EQAVET.
EOPPEP participates in the following activities of Tour-X:
- Participation in study visits to the participating countries (WP 2)
- Participation in the design of ILAs (Individual Learning Accounts) and the design of Micro-credentials (Task 3.8), jointly with the German Partner BK-con
- Participation in the development of the mobility schemes envisaged (Task 3.9)
- Participation in the implementation of the Pilot Training (Task 4.2)
- Participation in the design of criteria for the recognition of Excellence in VET (Task 5.3)
- Horizontal participation in the communication actions of the project (WP 6)
National Certification Authority
41 Ethnikis Antistaseos Av., 142 34 Athens
Contact Person