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The next DEHOGA Brandenburg TourX ambassador appointed

The next DEHOGA Brandenburg TourX ambassador appointed

DEHOGA Brandenburg's TourX team has been able to recruit its third ambassador for its joint work on the TourX project.

On the occasion of this year’s DEHOGA Brandenburg summer party in the park restaurant of the “Park Branitz” in Cottbus, the President of DEHOGA Brandenburg, Olaf Schöpe, presented the accreditation certificate to Mrs Ellen Rußig, Managing Director of the Oder-Spree Lakeland Tourism Association.

The team from the tourism association has actively supported us over the past few months with our interviews and surveys in order to build up a good database for the conclusions to be drawn from the surveys for the project work.

With the appointment of our new TourX ambassador, we not only want to honour this commitment, we also want to take advantage of the opportunity that the cooperation with the Destination Management Organisation of the Oder-Spree Lakeland travel region gives us.

“Start, do, get going” was the convincing motto, regardless of whether it was the previous support with our research into the current needs of tourism professionals and restaurateurs for further training “on the job” or the creation of our Erasmus+ internship catalogue “Brandenburg – the next step in your career”.

This also gave rise to new ideas for promoting our TourX and HOGAVET projects in the neighbouring Polish region and not just talking about opportunities for cooperation, but actually “doing” them.

Our TourX ambassadors are guaranteed to challenge us.

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