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ITB 2024 –The world´s leading travel trade show in Berlin

ITB 2024 –The world´s leading travel trade show in Berlin

3 days of time to network

Four jointly presented projects made up the stand of the “PacTS4All Tourism Skills Forward Alliance” at this year’s International Tourism Exchange Berlin.

The TourX, PANTOUR, TOURing and TourEDu4All projects were the focus of the joint trade fair presentation. The improvement of cooperation between these projects at European, national and regional level was discussed intensively. There was a great deal of interest and the panel presentation by PacTS4ALL was well attended.

PacTS4ALL addresses current and future challenges through close cooperation between the associated projects, the social partners, the various education and training systems and the authorities.  

The initiative aims to be a blueprint for sectoral cooperation to meet skills needs and increase the overall skills of the tourism workforce.

 At the Tourism Educational Hub in Hall 4.1, there were many other interesting projects that could be discussed in depth.  

The “Green Transformation of the Hotel Industry” panel in Hall 4.1. offered interesting insights into scientific pilot projects. In a transfer project entitled “Green hotel industry – climate neutrality in the hotel industry”, the Institute for Applied Research at the Berlin School of Economics and Law is investigating whether and how climate neutrality is already being implemented in the hotel industry in Brandenburg and what challenges companies are facing in the process. DEHOGA Brandenburg e.V. is supporting this project. 

Under the umbrella of Smart Tourism, the European Commission has launched two competitions to promote smart and sustainable tourism in the EU, to network and strengthen destinations and to facilitate the exchange of best practices.

The “European Capital of Smart Tourism” competition recognizes outstanding achievements of European cities as tourism destinations in four categories: Sustainability, Accessibility, Digitalization and Cultural Heritage and Creativity.  

Perhaps this competition is an idea for the Brandenburg state capital of Potsdam.

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