New working in hotel and gastro
The promotion circle of the DEHOGA Brandenburg e.V. with its members had invited on 11.09.2023 to the GASTRO BRANDENBURG 2023. The event, held for the first time last year, offered also in the edition of 2023 interesting things and was above all a platform for the exchange of ideas of many actors in the industry. The event offered insights into new methods for designing workflows in everyday professional life in the hotel and catering industry.
The associated talk sessions and presentations with experts offered insights into new methods for organizing work and created space for exchange.
Shortage of employees and process optimization – the GASTRO BRANDENBURG 2023 also offered up-to-date answers to these questions and presented approaches to solutions.
Olaf Lücke, General Manager of DEHOGA Brandenburg e.V. welcomed exhibitors and guests and the TourX team used the opportunities of the plenum, the workshop discussions and the direct exchange with the visitors to present the project and its possibilities for active participation.
It was again a benefit to get into conversation with new stakeholders and also to look for possible TourX ambassadors.